Aum Sai Ram
Today we are going to visit Sai Temple at Peddapuram in Kakinada Dist. Peddapuram village is about 20kms from Kakinada. Share Auto Ply between Kakinada & peddapuram & people use this as it is quite economical. State Transport run Buses towards Rajuhmundry also stop at this village.
There are 3 Sai Baba Temples in the village. The First being the Court Veedhi Sai Baba Mandiram.
This Temple is in a street near to MRO office or Court. Thus the Name Court Veedhi Sai Baba Mandiram.
Though the Statue of Sai Baba is made of clay, he looks very lively. Many miracles have taken place in this temple. Everybody in this locality believe that all their wishes get fulfilled as & when they pray for the same. Sai Devotees benefited by Sai Baba offer Garland made up of 100 Rupee notes. People perform Dhuni puja when ever they are in trouble & get instant solution to all their problems.
Though the temple is small, daily aarti's are performed to Sai Nath regularly. All the Important festivals connected to Sai Baba are performed with Sai Devotees from the Locality participating in all the events.

Temple AddressShirdi Sai Baba MandiramCourt Veedhi. Peddapuram
Kakinada. Andhra Pradesh.
Article: Raghav N
Data & Photo:
Mrs. Padma Karunakaram, Rajahmundry.
Aum Sai Ram
All India Sai Samaj also popularly referred as Mylapore Shirdi Sai Baba Mandir is the oldest & the first Sai Institution to be started in chennai. This temple has a history of almost 5 decades.
This Sai Temple at Mylapore underwent major renovations in the recent times with a new auditorium to perform satsangs & also to serve prasad to the Sai Devotees visiting this temple.
Sri Narasimha Swamy the founder of All India Sai Samaj's meditation hall was demolished & a bigger & better Hall was constructed behind the Samadhi Mandir & Statue's of Shirdi Sai baba & Sri Narasimha Swamy has been installed. All the Archana Sankalpam is performed at the newly renovated complex.
Baba's Samadhi Mandir has also got a face lift too with Centralised Air Condition in the Samadhi Mandir. False Roofing with Zen Design theme has been applied. The Samadhi has also been beautified by fixing marbles & new flooring has been installed.
A new Simhasan has been installed to Shirdi Sai Baba & Baba looks even more handsome in this new Avatar.
This is one of my most favourite Sai Temple & i've been visiting this temple even from when i was a kid.
Newly Installed Simhasan of Sai Baba

Newly Renovated Dhyan Mandir
Aum Sai Ram
Today we are going to visit the 3rd temple of Shirdi Sai Baba at Phastergaari veedhi in Jagan Nayakpur area of Kakinada. The two temples visited by us in Jagan Nayakpur were
Jyotulavaari Veedhi &
Desivaari street.
This temple of Shirdi Sai Baba is located on the Pastergaari veedhi. As there are lot of churches in this area & street has been named that way. Devotees from different religion visit this Sai Baba Temple to get the blessing of Shirdi Sai Baba.
This temple is still under construction & Statues of Gayatri Devi & Dhuni are yet to be installed. All the Aarti & puja are performed regularly in this temple & bhajans are held on every thurdays.

Temple AddressShirdi Sai Baba Mandir.Phastergaari veedhi, Jagan Nayakpur,
Kakinada. Andhra Pradesh.
Article: Raghav N
Data & Photo:
Mrs. Padma Karunakaram, Rajahmundry.
Aum Sai Ram
Today I'm posting New Wallpapers for Mobile for the Month of May 2011. These are the Special Digital Art created by master Artist. There are wallpapers for different screen resolution which can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate link.
Wallpaper Courtesy:
Raghav N
Aum Sai Ram
Today we are going to see the 2nd temple of Shirdi Sai Baba at Desivaari street in Jagan Nayakpur area of Kakinada. The first temple visited by us is located at
Jyotulavaari Veedhi in Jagan Nayakpur.
This temple is in the middle of the Jagan Nayakpur market. Sanctums for Durgamaa and Sita Rama are present along with the Sanctum of Shirdi Sai Baba.
Sai Baba's Aarti & Bhajans are conducted regularly & we can find complete peace in the sanctum which is amidst a Crowded Market.

Article: Raghav N
Data & Photo:
Mrs. Padma Karunakaram, Rajahmundry.